Manuel Barrio
Mowgli is a multi-media artist and performer covering vjing,interactive and multi-media installations, music and audiovisual performance.
He holds vjing residencies for Crux and A'mas and is one of the directors of VJ London. His audiovisual performances which often involve collaborations with other artists have featured at numerous art festivals throughout Europe, premiering his first AV show, MAYA at the BFI Southbank.
He's vjed alongside world-class artists and for festivals including Shambala, The Big Chill and Noisily while his interactive installation work was awarded the "Right of Passage' Award at Burning Man 2011. He was classed amongst the top 8 European Vj's at the London International Music Show in 2008.
Other areas of interest include upcycled design and UI design for large corporate projects through his company MJB Studio.