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Iván Muela

Ivan Muela - Portrait by Kat Pisiolek lo

Iván Muela is a young multi-instrumentalist, composer and engineer based in London. His music relies heavily on warm sounding pianos, strings and abstract surreal sounds, ultimately resulting in a sway of beautiful melodies and fascinating textures.

Placing special emphasis on capturing the moment, his compositions are splattered with improvisation and chance. In 2015, Iván releases 59:54, an
album of piano works written and recorded within one hour. A few months later, American label Fluttery Records releases Iván’s most
ambitious work: Unsound. Shortly after, he releases Glow, a conceptual EP of drone and ambient music made entirely with sounds coming from a grand piano.


Iván is currently working in several projects composed by a mixture of classical music, noise tape loops and experimental AV performance.

Unsound cover.jpg
Glow EP cover.jpg
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